CHC’s Foray Into the Blogging World – Welcome Readers!

CHC’s Foray Into the Blogging World – Welcome Readers!

So here we are – the beginning of what I hope to be a long journey and foray into the world of blogging. I’ve been hesitant to even start, but I figured the best way to get motivated is truly just to jump right into the unknown. Which brings us here – which, somehow, brought YOU here. Whoever is reading this, thanks for even taking the time to do so. I hope the future content posted here throughout time will be informative, fun, entertaining, maybe even provoking a thought or two.

The goal here is just to act as a springboard into writing, a display of thoughts on one of my favorite hobbies, video games. This passion of mine isn’t something I can uproot myself across the country to work in, so this is truly the second-best thing. To talk out loud about something I have found myself passionate about for roughly 80%+ of my life. It’s something that has been a constant factor in defining part of me and who I am. 

It’s not just the mere fact that it’s a hobby, but I’ve come to appreciate it as a form of art; it has multiple facets and aspects that make it the sum of many parts. Without one piece, the whole game can go down (or in some rare cases, without the one piece, it’s actually a decent game).

Combine this with the fact that the industry changes through the past 20-30 years have been such an interesting case study itself of developing technologies and business trends that even parts of the industry intersected with our areas (look at the effect of loot boxes and the government, for instance), this makes for a fascinating topic of many discussions, both formal and informal. 

There’s a lots of ideas I have to discuss in these blog posts, between aspects to look at through different lenses in the gaming culture, industry trends, some predictions of my own as well as more fun and casual pieces too. Maybe we’ll rank the mainline Mario Party games based on how gimmicky the maps are. Maybe we’ll talk about the direction the Final Fantasy games have taken in the past 15 years. Maybe we’ll have some opinion pieces that may or may not go along with the general public sentiment of something. We’ll definitely talk about why Nintendo hasn’t figured out the Internet yet.

I honestly have no idea where this will go long-term, nor do I have any expectations. However, I hope it can go somewhere fun and exciting.with that in mind, I hope that you, the reader, will stick around for this ride and see where we go for the next week. Or month. Or year. Or maybe just next Tuesday.